Best Energy Drinks market

In recent years, energy drinks have become very popular. From athletes use them as a pre-workout booster for college students looking to stay up all night studying, energy drinks seem to be a quick and easy way to keep your eyes open. The problem is that many of these drinks using many different stimulants that provide drinker with temporary energy boost. Many of these stimulants have been scientifically proven to be much less well than most Energy Drink manufacturers claim. A stimulant is a substance that can increase neural activity throughout the body. In many cases, they do not provide long-term energy boost they claim, leaving many customers with poor health and sometimes less energy.

Too many B vitamins (especially B3 or B6) can cause a burning sensation throughout the body. Too much ginseng can cause insomnia, tachycardia and frequent headaches. Inositol can cause diarrhea if too much has been consumed. High levels of sugar has been associated with dental caries, diabetes and obesity. Ginkgo Biloba other common substances can cause dizziness, and may have dangerous interactions with blood thinners and other medications.

Many experts diets are saying that energy drinks have artificial flavors and dyes that can be bad for your health long term. In addition, most of these energy drinks on the market simply too much caffeine and sugar. The combination of these ingredients can be very bad for even the healthiest people. However, the fact remains that in our busy lives, many of us need a quick energy boost from time to time. Aside from getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet are actually getting healthier items on the market that can provide that quick boost of energy without adding more risks to your health.

When searching for an energy drink, people should look at the drinks that use natural levels of caffeine, without stimulants or harmful flavor, and include a minimum amount of added sugar (stay away from high fructose corn syrup, it has been proven that cause many different types of cancer). There are actually some healthy energy drinks on the market that contain natural sources of antioxidants and healthy amounts of vitamins, too much of some vitamins can be harmful to your health.

In looking for a healthier alternative, we have come across a few drinks that provide these healthy options and can easily replace many of the much less healthy energy drinks out there. We recommend that you find an energy drink about 80 mg of caffeine (less than a normal cup of coffee, but enough to provide you with extra energy). It should be fairly low in natural sugar and have as many sources of natural vitamins and minerals as possible.

Obviously right hydration, diet and exercise are just as important when it comes to being healthy.

Is Preventive medicine help reduce Healthcare Costs?

We have all heard the saying that “prevention is better than cure” and we know how true maxim rings for all and sundry. Those who live a healthy lifestyle are less likely to fall prey to a host of diseases. In order to keep people healthy, exercising all the doctors policy on preventive medicine. In fact, this branch of medicine that is given special recognition under the American Board of Medical Specialities. It focuses on the health and welfare of not only individuals, but defined populations and communities as well. Death, disability and disease can give a big fight today thanks to this article.

Scope of Medicine

Those who specialize in the field of prevention are doctors who have a big contribution to the community because they use their knowledge and skills they have acquired from their studies not just medicine science but also economic and social and behavioral sciences. This is primarily the reason why such doctors are in boards considering health, research on the cause of diseases affecting a particular demographic group and the management board of several organizations of health care.

Many years of research have gone into the field of preventive medicine and much of the literature pertaining to it can be read in the Internet medical journals. A lot of articles on the internet medicine claim again and again that prevention is the way to save the cost of health care. While it is true that it can help those who are prone to lifestyle diseases, it is not always save the cost of health care. In fact, it could be just the other way around.

An internet journals about five years ago had predicted that if a large majority, say 90 percent of Americans would use preventive services, it would save only 0.2 percent of the total health of the entire nation. Immunization especially those relating to children can be cost saving because they are cheap, but when it comes to saying something like performances for diseases such as prostate cancer, sure it is not without benefits. The second and perhaps more important reason for prevention does not lead to major savings health is a large number of people need to take advantage of preventive services in order to prevent or eliminate certain diseases.

Preventive Medicine Healthcare can increase your costs

Prevention costs a lot of money when it comes to animal performances they could really add to the overall cost of healthcare. An online Medical Association says that some patients who show early signs of disease, preventive medicine could be used, but it is certainly not possible to screen thousands of patients to find the probability or the onset of disease.

So, if you are looking for the answer to the question “will save the expense of preventive health care,” straight answer is no. But that does not mean you should avoid individual performances, but when you do, you should make judicious use of them.

Common health issues in the Trucking Industry

Truck driving is a unique profession, just like almost any other job, has the potential to cause various types of health issues for those who choose this career. While some of the health issues related to the movement of goods is due to a long time to sit and drive, others are more related to lifestyle choices that tend to be shared with the industry.

Many trucking companies recognize that some of these lifestyle choices are the heart of many common health problem diagnosed in truckers. They provide programs, support and encouragement for truckers to make a few simple changes in their exercise routine, diet and lifestyle that will lead to a lower risk of these health issues develop.


Obesity in the trucking industry does not just stop; it is one of the most important issues is seen in the profession. Obesity is usually a combination of eating the wrong kinds of food; they are highly processed, sugary and fat, and not getting enough exercise. Truckers often eat two or more meals a day of fast food, truck stops or Diners. The good news is that many of these types of restaurants are now providing a healthier alternative to whole wheat breads, salads and fresh fruit and other healthy snacks. However, it is important to truckers know to make that choice and limit their intake of less healthy options.

Obesity itself is the trigger for the next three health issues in this list. The greater weight of the body is more cardiovascular system works, the greater the risk of developing pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, and a higher risk of having injuries when you are loading, unloading or climbing around the car to ensure the load .

High Blood Pressure and cardiovascular disease

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease is particularly difficult there may not be any signs until there is a significant health issues. Heart attack, stroke or poor circulation leads to other health complications are common the longer truckers working in the industry.

To make matters worse, many truckers know that they have these conditions to avoid taking prescription drugs for health issue because of their license. This creates a greater risk of serious conditions such as stroke or heart attack occurs, especially if high blood pressure is known or suspected.

Pre-diabetes and diabetes

Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes does not prevent the driver from operating a truck provided that sugar can be controlled by diet and oral medications. With the new rules you can also able to drive if you have type 1 diabetes, provided you meet the conditions for exemption.

Pre-diabetes is when blood tests reveal levels of glucose rise but not yet in the range to be with type 2 diabetes good news at this point to change your diet and lifestyle can often turn the problem and prevent type 2 diabetes from developing countries .

Back, neck and muscle pain

Strains, sprains and damage to the back, neck and joints are common in the trucking industry. This is partly a combination of loads that truckers are often necessary to move along with sedentary work behind the wheel. Truckers do not take the time to stretch out before the major muscle groups, increasing their change of injury. Repeated injuries, especially in the neck, shoulders, lower back and knee can result in significant and long-lasting types of aches and pains.

Sleep Problems

It is estimated that between 33 and 46 percent of adults and slightly higher in men experience some kind of sleep problems. This includes waking up many times during the night or trouble in staying awake during the day, even if they believe they had a good night’s sleep.

Sleep apnea, which causes disruption in breathing at night, is one of the most common problems sleeping. In this situation really stop breathing for a few seconds because of the collapse of the airway. Snoring can also be a sign of a sleep disorder, but it is not always available.

People who have problems with sleep are more prone to distraction, inattention and sleep in today. Sleep apnea has also been linked to increased risk of vehicles.


Depression is a common mental health problem in the entire population. However, isolation trucking work together with obesity and other health issues may be related to a higher incidence of depression in the trucking industry.

Other factors may be struggling with the balance of work and family life due to the pressure of work, irregular schedules and stress at work that everyone contributes to the risk of developing depression.

Understanding the most common health issues in the trucking industry can help truckers proactively make changes. Staying fit and healthy, making the right food choices and make time for regular exercise on the road are all recommended ways to avoid these issues for a healthier life.

Health Leadership

Leadership is a key element of the human factor-oriented approach to health and safety. It is leadership’s words and actions that establish behavioural expectations of employees. One can generally determine the extent of management’s leadership in health and safety by observing how workers behave on the job. If employees demonstrate a lack of commitment to health and safety it is because management has not led the health and safety charge. In order to influence employees, leaders must demonstrate unwavering support for health and safety regardless of the business climate of the day.

Leaders must always “walk the talk.” They can never make exceptions and allow operations to take priority over employee safety. For example, if a manager, despite operational costs, shuts a job down to ensure worker safety, he or she is a leader who will be believed when he/she proclaims that safety is number one. When exceptions are made to allow production to continue at the expense of safety, the leadership sends a strong message that production is really the number one priority. Under these circumstances, any attempts to convince employees that safety is management’s number one priority are simply not believable.


When companies demonstrate to employees they truly care, they benefit from the hard work performed by satisfied employees. They are also rewarded with employees who are more committed to the company. This generally translates into improved safety, productivity, quality, and/or service. Here is one small but powerful example of caring. Some companies send flowers to employees and their family members who are seriously ill in the hospital. This act represents very little in terms of investment in time or money and goes a long way towards increasing employees’ sense of security, compliance, satisfaction, and loyalty to the company.


Newly hired employees come to employers with their own pre-conceived health and safety attitudes and expectations. If their attitudes are closely aligned with the company’s and their peers’, their attitudes will be reinforced. If this is not the case, the new employee will have difficulties fitting in. For example, an employee who does not accept the need to follow all safety rules, procedures, etc. will not likely follow them when the boss is away. If he or she hasn’t in the past, why start now? One way to avoid these types of issues is to improve the hiring/screening process. Hire employees whose values and attitudes are aligned with those of the organization. Put simply, make sure they are a proper fit for the company.

Many companies focus their new employee orientation efforts on the content of the new employee orientation program. As important as the content is, the orientation process is equally important. Most employees get their real orientation when they begin working with their peers. Peers inform new employees on “how things are really done around here.” If the new employee is orientated by a peer or peer group that feels a few safety exceptions are okay, the new employee will be orientated with the wrong messages. New employee orientations should be conducted by experienced employees who are aligned with the company health and safety values and principles.

Band-aid Bob Jr. recalls employers commenting on some of the stupid things employees do. His response is, “Do you hire them stupid or make them stupid after you hire them?”


Identify and dispense with folklore or legends of renowned past employees or heroes that do not reinforce the behaviours that are currently desired. For example, Angus MacTavish was a gas utility employee. Legend has it he once performed a rescue by jumping into to a bell hole full of leaking gas. First he minimized the gas flow by bending over the steel gas line and then he hoisted an unconscious worker over his shoulder and climbed out of the six-foot-deep bell hole to safety. With another deep breath, Angus apparently went down and saved a second employee. This legend suggests Angus was superhuman. The reality is that there are very few people strong enough to actually do what Angus is rumored to have done-especially under conditions of little oxygen and blowing gas. If this company now has procedures in place to ensure this type of rescue is never attempted, legends such as this will work against compliance with the new procedure.

In order to attain full compliance, conflicting legends must be dispelled, otherwise they may be modelled. One way to dispel the legend in the above case is to conduct mock exercises to practise removing unconscious employees from a bell hole. No employee will be able to perform Alex’s rescue and that will help reinforce the new more time-consuming but safe rescue procedure.


Employees must believe the environment they are working in is fair and free from bias or injustice. Few employees complain about a system in which the standards and consequences of compliance are laid out clearly and are consistently enforced. If discipline is warranted, it must be perceived to be fairly administered. On the other hand, workers become frustrated when they have been held accountable for something others have been allowed to get away with. One of the worst exceptions in this regard is when workers are disciplined for non-compliance but exceptions are made for supervisors or managers. Companies should always strive to create a just and fair culture.

Employee Satisfaction

It is a well-known fact that satisfied employees are more productive, take fewer days off for illness, stay with the company longer and have fewer incident/accidents. The deeply hidden benefits of implementing an effective health and safety program are that it opens the door to good two-way communication and fosters employee participation and trust. In this environment, employee satisfaction improves. Satisfied employees benefit companies not only by improving health and safety in the company, but also by improving all other aspects of the business. Companies that view health and safety from this perspective understand that health and safety adds value to an organization.

Culture Influences Behaviour

There are many factors affecting why individuals behave the way that they do. The factors influencing employee behaviour are varied and complex. Supervisors and managers cannot be counted on to understand them all. However, some of the factors that affect behaviour are well known and understood and therefore are useful tools for management and supervisors.

For example, behavioural science tells us that if supervisors and management provide positive recognition for any desirable behaviour, the behaviour is more likely to be repeated. If an undesirable behaviour is condoned or overlooked because the supervisor or manager chooses not to address it, the undesirable behavior will be reinforced and repeated. All supervisors and managers should be aware of these simple behavioural truths that all supervisors and managers should be aware of.

Another, and perhaps less-known, factor influencing employee behaviour is the company’s health and safety culture. A generally accepted description of workplace culture is “the way things are around here.” Here is an example. Band-aid Bob recalls a time years ago when he was auditing a company’s health and safety management system. While interviewing an older but new employee, he asked about compliance to wearing PPE and following health and safety procedures. The interviewee responded positively and went on to say that if he saw someone not complying, he felt comfortable with and compelled to say something to them. Then he revealed his recent non-compliant history. In the company where he had previously worked for over twenty years, he had commonly disregarded the rules. When asked why the sudden change in behaviour, his response was short and to the point: “Because that’s the way we do things around here.”

Safety excellent companies are well aware of the influences that a positive health and safety culture can have on employee behaviour. Many of them conduct safety perception surveys to access employee perceptions so that they can work on improving negative employee perceptions.


We have come a long way since the early stages of health and safety. Each new era has brought new improvements to health and safety management systems. The new elements discovered by Band-aid Bob Jr. (and real-life health and safety professionals) are proclaiming a new and exciting era where “health and safety” is no longer viewed as just another program, but as a key contributor to success in business. The move towards these more human-oriented elements promises to help bring about improvements to corporate health and safety culture that will have positive effects on all other aspects of a business. Some companies have already discovered these cascading benefits and have evolved into health and safety leaders and, not surprisingly, leaders in their respective businesses.

The New Approach to Health and Safety Management

When Band-aid Bob Jr. arrived at the spot where his grandfather had made his discovery, the area, at first, seemed clear. But then he stumbled on a half-buried rock and upon closer examination, he noticed that it was more than just a plain old rock. Also, he noticed other rocks poking out of the earth. He spent some time digging them out, packed them up, and returned to his home in the City. Without hesitation, Bob went to work on cleaning up the rocks and putting the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle. When he was done, he found that he had two more complete tablets containing more direction on how to achieve safety excellence.

Values/Safety Priority

A company’s real health and safety priorities are revealed not by cleverly crafted policies posted throughout the facilities, but by how the employees carry out their work. It only takes one incident of management telling a crew to drive to the worksite in a blinding storm, to carry out work short-staffed, to work hastily, or to skip the pre-job safety meeting, to undermine thousands of verbal and written affirmations of “safety first”. Workers’ behaviour are strongly influenced by their perceptions of the company’s real health and safety priorities. If they believe safety takes a back seat to production, employees will make the decision to take that trip in bad weather or work shorthanded. When an incident occurs it is easy to blame the employee for not complying with the documented procedures. Unfortunately, the company’s real values and priorities are rarely identified as even contributing incident factors.


A bond of trust may be formed between workers and management when the acts of management convince workers that they can confide in their supervisors and can count on them to act or respond in a predictable way. For example, managers are trusted when they promptly follow up on safety meeting issues. In such an environment of trust, employees will freely bring up safety issues at safety meetings because they know they will be acted upon. Alternatively, lack of action leads to lack of trust and many very quiet meetings. Trust is also diminished when it is violated, such as when an agreement between supervisor and worker is broken. Once this trust is broken, it requires many positive acts by management to regain it.

Employee Participation/Autonomy

Employees must feel that they have a “stake” in the program. Employees are more accepting of a program they helped develop than they are of one that has simply been handed down to them. For example, it is difficult to imagine anything more boring or wasteful than a group of workers sitting around a table in a safety meeting, listening to their supervisor read out safe work procedures developed by either them or the Safety Advisor. Half of the employees present will likely have their mind elsewhere. What really gets employees’ attention is having them participate in safety procedure exercises or emergency drills, then soliciting their input. Employee participation brings about improved procedures that employees are more committed to following because they have participated in their development.

Autonomy takes employee participation to another level as employees are allowed to actually make key decisions on various aspects of the program. The levels of commitment obtained through participation and autonomy are far greater than what would be obtained by a supervisor reading aloud at a meeting. Companies that allow for a high degree of employee autonomy generally have what is typically called an “open culture” because they engage employees in decisions and in the creative processes.


Credibility is closely aligned with trust. Trust is gained when there are no differences between what is said and what is practised. For example, when management condones or ignores the behaviour of workers who are not complying with procedures, credibility is lost. The next time management promotes compliance to procedures, employees will roll their eyes in disbelief. Alternatively, if management is aggressive in correcting the behaviour of some individuals but not others, their credibility again comes into question. As with any of these human factors, there are no barriers to protect management from these negative employee perceptions leaching into other aspects of the business. If one has lost credibility in safety, credibility overall is lost. A manager’s ability to manage all other aspects of the job effectively is negatively affected.

The Evolution of Safety Human Factors According to Band-Aid Bob

This is a story of the people who helped shape today’s safety industry and paved the way for future changes in the management and perception of health and safety. This is also a story of the evolution of health and safety according to a safety professional we’ll call Band-aid Bob.

In the Beginning

In the late 1800’s, there were no health and safety professionals. Companies would never have thought of retaining people specifically to manage health and safety for them. In fact, in the workplace, humans really were not ranked all that high as a resource. In the mining industry for example, mules were often used to haul equipment and materials in and out of the mines. When a serious incident occurred such as an explosion, rescue operations focused not on humans but on the mules. A dead mule cost the mine around $24 to replace. A worker, making around $3 per day, was inexpensive to replace as there was generally a lineup of people willing to work in exchange for pay. If a worker was only injured he would be sent home to recover with no pay. If he recovered fully, he would be allowed to return to work.

In the early 1900’s (i.e. around 1914), workers’ compensation insurance was established in many areas in North America. The insurance provided compensation to employees who were injured as well as to the families of those who had died on the job. It was at this time that companies started hiring people to help patch up their injured workers and to get them back to work as soon as possible, as well as help prevent further injuries. Some called these people “safety advisers”. The evolution of the Safety Adviser’s role is perhaps best shown by the legend of an individual known as Band-aid Bob.

Band-aid Bob wasn’t his real name, but that is what he came to be called. If ever there was a safety person who could patch people up after they were injured, it was Bob. At this time in the evolutionary history of health and safety, there was no such thing as formal health and safety management systems. Workplace injuries were common and accepted as part of the job. People like Band-aid Bob were typically hired by only the largest of companies who needed someone to administer good first aid and felt they could afford the overhead. Many of these safety people were workers with work injury disabilities such as a missing hand, fingers, or toes. After all, if anyone knew anything about health and safety, it had to be an already injured worker.

Bob was very good at his job. One evening, tired from a hard day of administering bandages, cauterizing wounds, and massaging strained muscles, Band-aid Bob decided to take some time for himself. He packed up some gear and hiked into the mountains. Trekking up Mount Doringba, he made an incredible discovery that would change how companies viewed employee health and safety.

High on the mountain, Bob stumbled onto some tablets inscribed with strange writings. Among many broken pieces of tablets, he found two intact pieces. Excited about his find, he brought the two tablets back to the City and had them transcribed. The tablets’ writings proved to be pivotal to health and safety as they identified key elements to achieving health and safety excellence. The elements included: Management Commitment and Involvement, Hazard Identification and Assessment, Records and Administration, Inspection, and Investigation.

Soon Bob found himself on a speaking tour spreading the word about his findings, laced with interpretations from none other than Band-aid Bob himself. When asked about the significance of the writings, Bob would respond, “These key elements are needed in order to achieve safety excellence. Success in implementing these elements means you will never have to bandage up an employee again.”

Present Day Health & Safety Management Systems

To many people, Bob’s new approach to safety made a lot of sense and, over time, Bob gained quite a following. Soon word spread and companies all over the world adopted the elements. Mounting interest in the elements gave rise to numerous health & safety associations, safety professionals and consultants who all helped spread the word to millions of companies and their employees. Many companies hired people dedicated to implementing and maintaining these landmark elements. Billions of dollars were spent implementing them.

For a time, improvements to health and safety were achieved. Companies employing the elements noticed reductions in incident and accident rates. Fatality rates decreased. Insurance rates decreased. This success lasted for many years but, there came a time when fatality rates stopped decreasing and some people started to question the value of the basic program elements. Others suggested the basic elements had improved about all they could improve in their companies. They called for a re-evaluation of the status quo, but the prospect of change was a very hard sell. By this time, so many people had bought in to the basic health and safety elements that had been passed down to them by Band-aid Bob. Their livelihood depended upon them. To now buy into alternative approaches threatened their very existence and would suggest they had all along been following the wrong path.

And so it went on for many years: companies entrenched in Bob’s basic elements failed to achieve the safety excellence promised them. Many health and safety professionals reported difficulties in getting the elements in place and functioning fully. At this time in the evolutionary era of health and safety systems, many viewed health and safety as a program, separate from all other aspects of the business. As with other “programs” when times got tough, health and safety systems got cut or downsized to make way for leaner programs yielding profit. For many of these companies, survival and productivity were the real number one priorities. Health and safety was silently considered to be an extra cost of doing business. It was around this time that some important truths were revealed that would result in another enormous shift in health and safety management philosophy.

The Basic Structure and function of the human kidney

While the kidneys are relatively small organs in comparison to the heart and brain, they are important to the process of removing water and waste from the blood. The fact that the body is constantly producing a waste product of metabolism means that your kidneys have to work around the clock to protect the body from potentially harmful effects of too much water and waste can cause. Persons suffering from kidney damage often lose their ability to remove these particles from the blood over a long period and must rely on a machine to filter blood for them. When more than 80% of filtration capacity has been lost, a kidney transplant or dialysis may be the only option for survival. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from end stage renal disease has increased in recent years it has become more important than ever for dialysis experts to educate the public about the structure, function and health of the kidneys.

In most cases, the average in humans, both kidneys are located on either side of the body in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. Each kidney is somewhat protected external damage in the lower set of ribs. Within the kidney, several structures are referred to as nephrons that includes all anatomical components required to selectively remove particles from the blood. Renal artery carrying blood nephrons as they travel through a set of capillaries known as kidney swab. These tiny blood vessels are so small that they only allow red blood cells to pass in single file. Each kidney swab rests within the cup-shaped formation of cells called Bowman’s capsule. This capsule houses permeable membrane that contains holes just big enough for small particles, such as water and waste to go into collection tubes. These tubes transfer the filtrate through a series of loops that allow the body to absorb nutrients that it can still use and leave particles that were not initially filtered. Liquid which is still in the tube is sent to the bladder where it is stored and the urine until it can be excreted.

The kidneys are able to remove water and waste from the blood without expending energy thanks to two simple scientific principles that describe the movement of solutes and solvents. Principle is known as flow and said solutes (dissolves in water) will move the membrane from an area of ​​high concentration of areas of low strength to strength slightly on each side is equal. This is a process that occurs when waste is filtered out of the bloodstream into the capsule Bowman’s. As the collection tubes in the kidney are constantly shunting filtrate from kidney swab, the deficit is always maintained and waste moves out of the vessels.

Another important principle in renal filtration is known as osmosis and stated that solvents such as water will move from areas of low particle concentration to areas of high concentrations of particles in order to maintain a balance across the membrane. In fact, water follows solutes through the membrane in an effort to maintain the balance of particle concentration on either side of the membrane. While the kidneys filter for water is necessary to prevent unhealthy accumulation in the body, salt mixing prevailing street bladder to allow the body to absorb water from the filtrate, it can still be used. The act of regulating the amount of water removed from the blood is a process that is used to concentrate and dilute urine.

Individuals who suffer from end stage renal disease are often unable to filter potentially harmful particles from the blood and are often subject to the procedure known as dialysis to keep them alive. Dialysis uses a machine external to the body to remove water and waste that would normally be filtered out by the kidneys. Dialysis machines are designed to filter the blood with the same scientific principles used in the body. While dialysis can not fully compensate for the failure, it is to prolong life and can significantly improve health outcomes for people who suffer from ESRD.

How to Have a Healthy Brain

Being physically healthy is not everything
Try to make your brain healthy and beautiful before you try to change your body. A healthy mind will give way to a healthy body.

Try to remove stress from your life
Stress is a very common problem now days. Considerable stress is fine for the brain because it causes stimulation helps the brain to function, but the kind of lifestyle we have, increases the stress on the extent, which creates a mental disorder.

Try to know yourself
It is seen that a person with a healthy mind is generally satisfied. Be satisfied and happy always ways to have a healthy mind and this is not accidental. Find out why stress and try to solve it to have a healthy brain.

Environmental factors
It is true that people affected and influenced by the kind of people they hold or mingle with. You must ensure that the people you are mixing to have a sound mental state. For example, depression is an infectious disease, and if people around you are depressed, it is likely that you will get depressed too.

Choice of food
Around 50-55% of the brain is made up of fat and the rest of the 45% of protein and carbohydrates. The brain uses fat to protect neurons, the better protection the better the response function of the brain. For that reason, fat is very good for the brain, and all kinds of fats serve no purpose. You must consume eatables like walnuts, green vegetables, medium omega-3 fats; Fish is a source of omega-3 fat that helps the brain to function properly.

Take time out to relax
Our brain is said to be working non-stop, but we have to give him time to relax as well. It is said that stress damages the brain extensively, so we have to take out time to release stress to some degree. Breathing, yoga and meditation is very good for relaxation.

Regular exercise
It has been proven that the brain constitutes 2% of body weight and is responsible for 15% of the blood supply, so regular exercise will not only keep the body fit and healthy, but will also keep arteries unclogged and brain open.

We have to want to practice our brain muscle by exercise, yoga, meditation and proper diet to have a healthy life.

What exactly is Health Care? Get Physician Perspective

So the concept of health is used again and again. What does it mean? What does it mean for you? There are so many variations of this definition and by origin, you are talking to. Some would say healthcare is disease prevention. Some would say it is to control a disease like diabetes or high cholesterol. Some would say access to a doctor or provider.

Health defined the state of being accident or illness free.

Heath care as defined by Websters dictionary States “preservation of health by treating and preventing disease by trained and licensed professionals.”

In search of a health condition to be an accident or illness free, we think that this should be regarded as an objective. The goal of health really is a moving target. Our bodies are bombarded daily by viruses, bacteria, social pressure, psychological pressure, just to name a few. With so many forces working to prevent health, we want to maximize our internal resources to keep us from injury and illness. Health us is to find a balance. If we look at the human landscape, there are three major components that comprise us- body, mind and spirit. If any of these three principles are overwhelming other or missing, the achievement of health will fall. Lets use example-

Ronnie is an exercise machine. He works out 5-6 times a week, eat very clean, non processed diet, drink plenty of water, and try to sleep enough to find refreshing. Most of us first publication would equate this person as a “healthy” person. However, at home, Ronnie has been having trouble communicating with his wife, who think he uses too much and give family. The more difficulties Ronnie has at home, he goes to a safe area in his gym to release tension. This cycle continues to build. The stress at home continues to build. Ronnie is physically fit, but mentally is exhausted. This image shows an example to really be free of illness and injury that we need to look at all sides to be truly healthy.

We believe that the pursuit of health (balance of body, mind and spirit) is based on factors Wellness- Health, Lifestyle, and education. We believe that when incorporating these things into your life, then you can truly achieve “health”.

So it is health care then? Is it going to the doctor for advice? Is it to see the counselor to discuss life stressful? Is it to read books and articles on lifestyle choices? Answer- all of the above. We need to look at health from a different lens. Many people that I see in the office view health care in the form of doctors visits. These visits are based on a recent illness or accident. Most folks are trying to get advice on how they can feel better. I would argue to treat injury or illness is not health care. I call this sick care. Sick care is just one part of it that I chose medicine as a profession, to help those who are ill or injured. It seems that for most people equates to health care. What about the times between illness and injury? What are the resources and programs that people do to prevent illness or injury. In the world of business, it is an idea to be PRO active, rather than reactive. Be the beginning of development, no he says. It is my goal for the patients I see.

I have patients who have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol who for various reasons are medications to help manage this disease. I check the numbers on a quarterly basis and many have achieved the status of “controlled” numbers. My patients feel better, have no symptoms of the disease in their process, and are happy to have blood reflect their work. Have they achieved health though? To me, NO.

Beyond the prescriptions that help keep the disease, we still need to address lifestyle and education to help these patients. Lifestyle Choices are so important- type of nutrition we take in, exercise our bodies keep our minds fresh, learn methods of stress reduction are all important. Education is one factor that goes overlooked in many offices. Doctors I think are largely to blame here. We all try to give advice and hope that our patients are listening. The question is whether they remember the instructions. The practice of writing down in detail and in a non-medical jargon, plans for each patient. Our hope is that the patient will actually read what we wrote and keep our summaries as cookbook entry. Over time, we hope cookbook their transactions giving them the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Properties in good faith Health Care Proxy

A bona fide health care proxy (health agent) is a person you can rely on and trust to manage the relevant medical care if you are ever in a situation where you can not speak or make decisions for you. A genuine mandate should possess characteristics to ensure the best interests at heart. The party must be legitimate, qualified, responsible and reliable.

To be legitimate to be appointed and the legal. A document known as the medical commissions (health care proxy) provides both. Some legal norms of which may be commissions vary from state to state. In some countries, appointed a person can not be a health worker or residential caregiver actively involved in care. States also differ in allowing someone under 18 to be a health care agent. To health care proxy (health care proxy form) to be legally binding on you sign.

Eligibility proxy hinge largely upon the knowledge that the person wishes you reach the end of life. The extent to which that person is recognized in this regard depends on two variables. Firstly, if you have specifically described the living will certain treatments you would like to have withheld or withdrawn if you reach the end of life. The second is whether you have a limited concerned that certain decisions realize the medical commissions.

A Medical Power of Attorney takes effect, even if you are only temporarily unable to make treatment decisions, such as anesthesia during surgery. The health care proxy should also be recognized with respect to know your views and values ​​that might have some impact on the type of care you receive in times of temporary mental incapacitation. One example could be the desire to get a blood transfusion for religious reasons.

The person you appoint to direct your health should also be willing to bear the responsibility. There is a difference between being in control and being in control and responsibility. The accepting control with responsibility in good faith health care proxy. The person who will manage without responsibility can work or seems difficult, but perhaps not the applicant interests at heart. It may be somewhat coarse, but there is some truth in the old saying – when the going gets tough tough get going. It is important that health care proxy to be available in time of need.

Finally, the person you appoint to make treatment decisions for you if you are not able to should be someone you can trust, not only to carry out your wishes, but also to protect the privacy of medical information. Make sure the person has integrity in the management of their own affairs and to communicate with others. Also make sure that you are faithful and do not have any overt or subtle conflicts of interest.